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Club Policies

You can read the policies below:

Athlete Code of Conduct

AAWA Member Athletes Shall:
• Treat all opponents, coaches & officials with respect
• Not use technology or social media to disrespect or exploit others
• Follow AAWA Harassment Policies
• Wrestle to the best of their abilities, within the rules overseeing the competition
• Exercise self-control at all times
• Respect the decisions of officials without gesture or argument
• Show good sportsmanship by winning with humility and losing with dignity
• Agree to abide by the rules, regulations, laws, and bylaws of AAWA, WCL, the Province
of Alberta, Canada, any host countries, and host venues.
• Avoid any behaviour which would cause unreasonable disruption or interference in
competitions, training camps, or preparation of any athlete for a competition; (i.e. fist
fighting, abusive or foul language, etc.)
• Abstain from theft or vandalism of any property, hotel rooms, dormitories, training
facilities, and equipment; the athlete shall be held accountable for such actions and
agrees to reimburse the property owners directly for any such damage.
• Agree to be in their assigned quarters at the given time indicated by the attending head
coach, and outside guests will be prohibited in athlete’s quarters without the consent of
the attending head coach, or their own coach if present.
• Show respect to all people regardless of gender, colour, race, or creed. (i.e. be discreet
in expressing and exchanging political, economic, and religious views in public)
• Avoid use of banned substances that are contravention to rules, regulations, & bylaws of
AAWA, WCL, & the IOC.
• For athletes in the WCL testing pool, submit to random doping control tests at
competitions and at other reasonable times as requested by WCL, the Canadian Centre
for Drug-free Sport, or any other authority designated to do so by the WCL; Failure to
submit to such testing shall be grounds for immediate dismissal from AAWA
• Avoid substance use, whether alcohol or drug abuse, and the use and/or possession of
illegal drugs as defined according to the laws of Canada, and Alberta.
• Abide by any further rules of their home club/team
• Athlete responsible to pay any fines or penalties arising from any infraction or
misconduct levied by any other wrestling governing body.

Known active criminal investigations regarding any of the above will result in suspension of
membership and will be dealt with on a case by case basis.

Failure to adhere to these conditions may result in one or more of the following
disciplinary actions:
• Withdrawn from tournament or camp regardless of placing
• Returned home at their own expense
• Removal from Zone or Provincial team
• Expulsion from Alberta Wrestling membership (not sanctioned to attend
provincial/national events)
• Report letter sent to parents and personal coach from Alberta Wrestling Executive
• Probation letter sent to offending athlete(s), their personal coach, and their parents

If an athlete is in violation of the terms of this Athlete Code of Conduct, the athlete may be
subject to disciplinary action which may include one or more of the sanctions outlined above.

I hereby acknowledge, understand and agree to abide by this Code of Conduct while participating in all
Alberta Amateur Wrestling activities. I understand that my violation of any of these terms may result in
temporary suspension, discipline, expulsion or criminal charges.

GPWC Wrestler Medical History & Medical Release
Epilepsy Heart Condition Blood Pressure
Diabetes Sickle Cell Anemia Kidney Disease
Liver Disease Lung Disease Hernia
Asthma Skin Disease Blood Disease
Do you use inhalers? Do you have any allergies?
List allergies if any__________________________________________________________________________________
Have there ever been any injuries to any part of the body? Please list what injuries and dates:
Are you now on prescribed medications? Yes / No Why:
Yes / No Do you wear contact lenses?
Yes / No Do you have dental appliances?
Yes / No Do you have any chronic conditions that have not been mentioned above?
If yes, please list them:
Wrestling is a reasonably safe sport as long as specific guidelines are followed. Wrestling is a contact sport and injuries to the neck, shoulders, arms, back, and other injuries related to a contact sport may result. If you have any physical condition that precludes you from such activities, please obtain a physician’s consent to participate.
The questions on this form have been answered completely and truthfully to the best of my knowledge. I have read the proceedings and certify that I am physically fit for the sport of wrestling. I fully understand the risks inherent in the sport of wrestling. I voluntarily participate in this activity.

Wrestler’s Name:
Parent’s Signature:
*Sign the online registration form

Medical Release
Representatives of the Board of Directors and/or Coaching Staff have my permission to secure medical attention,
hospitalization, ambulance transportation etc. for our child ________________________________ while attending
practice, traveling to and from scheduled meets, and during wrestling meets.
Our child is allergic to these substances:
Other conditions that influence the medical treatment of my child:
*Sign the online registration form

Anti-Bullying Policy

Statement of Intent
We are committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all our members so
they can participate in sports in a relaxed and secure environment.

Bullying of any kind is unacceptable in our club.

If bullying does occur, all members should be able to tell and know that all incidents will be
dealt with promptly and effectively. We are a TELLING club. This means that anyone who
knows that bullying is happening is expected to tell any club Coach and/or Board Member.

What is Bullying?
Bullying is the use of aggression with the intention of hurting another person. Bullying results in
pain and distress for the victim.

Bullying can be:
● Emotional being unfriendly, excluding, tormenting(e.g. threatening gestures)
● Physical pushing, kicking, hitting, punching or any use of violence
● Racist racial taunts, graffiti, gestures
● Sexual unwanted physical contact or sexually abusive comments
● Homophobic because of, or focusing on the issue of sexuality
● Cyber-All areas of the internet, such as email & internet chat room misuse-Mobile
threats by text messaging & calls misuse of associated technology, i.e. camera & video

Why is it Important to Respond to Bullying

Bullying hurts! No one deserves to be a victim of bullying. Everybody has the right to be
treated with respect. Pupils who are bullying need to learn different ways of behaving.
The club has a responsibility to respond promptly to issues of bullying.

Objectives of this Policy
● All club members, coaches, volunteers, and parents should have an understanding of
what bullying is
● All club members, coaches, and volunteers should know what the club policy is on
bullying, and follow it when bullying is reported
● All players and parents should know what the school policy is on bullying and what they
should do if bullying occurs
● As a club we take bullying seriously. Players and parents should be assured that they will
be supported when bullying is reported.

Signs & Symptoms
A child may indicate by signs or behavior that he or she is being bullied. Adults should be aware
of these possible signs and that they should investigate if a child:
● Is frightened of walking to or from school
● Doesn’t want to go on the school/public bus
● Begs to be driven to school
● Changes their usual routine
● Is unwilling to go to school (school phobia)
● Begins to taunt
● Becomes withdrawn, anxious or lacking in confidence
● Starts stammering (speaks with sudden involuntary pauses and a tendency to repeat the
initial letters of words)
● Attempts or threatens suicide or runs away
● Cries themselves to sleep at night or has nightmares
● Feels in the morning
● Begins to do poorly in school
● Comes home with clothes torn or books damaged
● Has possessions which are damaged or “go missing”
● Asks for money or starts stealing money (to pay bully)
● Has dinner or other monies continually “lost”
● Has unexplained cuts or bruises
● Comes home starving (money/lunch has been stolen)
● Becomes aggressive, disruptive or unreasonable
● Is bullying other children or siblings
● Stops eating
● Is frightened to say what is wrong
● Gives improbable excuses for any of the above
● Is afraid to use the internet or mobile phone
● Is nervous & jumpy when a cyber message is received
These signs and behaviors could indicate other problems, but bullying should be considered a
possibility and should be investigated.

1. Report bullying incidents to the club Coaches, members of the club or committee, or an
adult you can trust.
2. In cases of serious bullying, the incidents will be referred to the Board of Directors
3. In serious cases, parents should be informed and asked to come into a meeting to
discuss the problem
4. If necessary and appropriate, police will be consulted
5. The bullying behavior or threats of bullying must be investigated and the bullying
stopped quickly
6. An attempt will be made to help the bully(bullies) change their behavior
7. If mediation fails and the bullying continues the club will initiate disciplinary proceedings
according to the club orientation

Recommended Club Action

If the club decides it is appropriate for them to deal with the situation they should follow the
procedures outlined below:
1. Reconciliation by getting the parties together. It may be that a genuine apology solves
the problem.
2. If this fails/not appropriate a small panel should meet with the parent and child alleging
the bullying to get details of the allegation. Minutes should be taken for clarity, which
should be agreed by all as a true account.

3. The same 3 persons should meet with the alleged bully and parent(s) and put the
incident raised to them to answer and give their view of the allegation. Minutes should
again be taken and agreed upon.
4. If bullying has in their view taken place the individual should be warned and put on
notice until further action i.e. temporary or permanent suspension if the bullying
continues. Consideration should be given as to whether a reconciliation meeting
between parties is appropriate at this time.
5. In some cases the parent of the bully or the bullied party can be asked to attend training
sessions, if they are able to do so, and if appropriate. The club committee should
monitor the situation for a given period of time to ensure the bullying is not being
6. All coach(es) involved with both individuals should be made aware of the concerns and
outcome of the process i.e. the warning

1. The bully (bullies) may be asked to genuinely apologize. Other consequences may take
2. In serious cases, suspension or even exclusion will be considered
3. If possible, the pupils will be reconciled
4. After the incident/incidents have been investigated and dealt with, each case will be
monitored to ensure repeated bullying does not take place.

1. The club will have a written constitution, which includes what is acceptable and proper
behavior for all members of which the anti-bullying policy is one part
2. All club members and parents will sign to accept the consultation upon joining the club
3. The Club Coaches and Board of Directors will raise awareness about bullying and why it
matters, and if issues of bullying arise in the club, will consider meeting with members
to discuss openly and constructively.
This policy is based on guidance provided to schools by Kidscape. Kidscape is a voluntary
organization committed to help prevent child bullying.

You may also wish to access any of the following websites designed to give advice and guidance
to parents and children who are faced with dealing with bullying.

Drop in Centres:
Cool-Aid Society 780-532-9004
Grande Prairie Friendship Centre 780-539-7514
Saint Lawrence Centre 780-228-5734
Emergency Services
Police, Fire, Ambulance 911
24-Hour Crisis Support
AHS Addiction & Mental Health Helpline 1-866-332-2322
Bullying Helpline 1-888-456-2323
Caribou Child & Youth Centre 1-780-814-7223
Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-387-5437
Family Violence Helpline 1-780-310-1818
Kids Help Phone 1-800-668-6868
PACE Sexual Assault Centre 1-888-377-3223
PACT (Police & Crisis Team) 911
Odyssey House Crisis Line 1-780-532-2672
Counselling and Support
Child & Youth Intervention Program 1- 780-830-7094
Child & Youth Intervention Program Outreach 587-297-0700

AIDS & STI Information 1-800-772-2437
Alberta Health Link 1-866-408-5465
Alberta Health Services - Addiction Services (Youth Detox) 1-780-538-6330
Alberta Health Services - Mental Health 780-538-5160
Alberta Health Services - Sexual Health 780-513-7551
HIV North Society 780-538-3388
Pregnant and Parenting Teens 780-538-3854

Photograph & Video Release Form
I hereby grant permission to The Grande Prairie Wrestling Club the rights to my child’s/children’s image, likeness, and
sound of their voice as recorded on audio or video tape without payment or any other consideration. I understand that their image may be edited, copied, exhibited, published, or distributed, and waive the right to inspect or approve the finished product wherein my likeness appears. Additionally, I waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of my image or recording. I also understand that this material may be used in diverse educational settings within an unrestricted geographic area.
Photographic, audio or video recordings may be used for the following purposes:
● conference presentations
● educational presentations or courses
● informational presentations
● on-line educational courses
● educational videos
● promotional marketing
● Grande Prairie Wrestling Club's social media

By signing this release I understand this permission signifies that photographic or video recordings of my
child/children may be electronically displayed via the Internet or in the public educational setting.
I will be consulted about the use of the photographs or video recording for any purpose other than those listed above.
There is no time limit on the validity of this release nor is there any geographic limitation on where these materials
may be distributed.
This release applies to photographic, audio or video recordings collected as part of the sessions listed on this document only.
By signing this form I acknowledge that I have completely read and fully understand the above release and agree to be bound thereby. I hereby release any and all claims against any person or organization utilizing this material for
educational purposes.

Parent Code of Conduct

The Alberta Amateur Wrestling Association promotes the notion that children’s sports are supposed to be fun. Parents, Fans, Officials and Coaches will take responsibility for their actions; understanding that their words and actions can have a lasting emotional effect on children. By following the Code of Conduct and making every season about personal growth, skill and character development, and enjoyment of the sport, our wrestlers will be more likely to stay connected to a sport, which will in turn, will help them to achieve life success.
The highest potential of sportsmanship and ethics of sports is achieved when athletes bring trustworthiness, respect,
responsibility, fairness, caring and good citizenship to every practice and competition.
I will follow the expectations of the AAWA by:
• Teaching my child the importance of playing fair and following the rules
• Abide by the competition day policies set forth by my home club and stay off tournament mats; letting the coaches
coach, unless I am one of the official coaches or medical staff
I will remember that participation in wrestling is supposed to be fun for the youth and is not to be forced by me as the parent.
Hostility and violence will not be encouraged and I will teach my child to wrestle by the rules and resolve conflict
I will not encourage any behaviors or practices that would endanger the heath and/or well-being of the athletes.
I (and my guests) will:
• Be a positive role model for my child and all wrestlers
• Never use technology or social media to disrespect or exploit others
• Follow AAWA harassment policies
• Encourage sportsmanship by showing respect and courtesy for all wrestlers, coaches, officials and spectators
• NOT use profane language or gestures, boo or taunt others, use verbal or physical threats or refuse to shake the hands
of others
• Treat other wrestlers, coaches, officials, parents and spectators with respect regardless of race, creed, color, sex or
• Respect coaches and officials, as well as their authority, during wrestling matches; never questioning, discussing or
confronting coaches during or after a match (concerns should be addressed later at an agreed time and place)
• Demand a sporting environment that is free from drugs, tobacco and alcohol and will refrain from their use
Failure to abide by this code of conduct may result in your removal from the competition venue, consequences as dictated by the policies of your home club, suspension or the revoking of AAWA membership for your child and/or police involvement if the situation warrants such action.

Coach Code of Ethics
The athlete/coach relationship is a privileged one. Coaches play a critical role in the personal as well as athletic
development of their athletes. They must understand and respect the inherent power imbalance that exists in this
relationship and must be extremely careful not to abuse it. Coaches must also recognize that they are conduits
through which the values and goals of a sport organization are channeled. Thus, how an athlete regards his/her sport
is often dependent on the behavior of the coach. The following Coaches Code of Ethics has been developed to aid
coaches in achieving a level of behavior which will allow them to assist their athletes in becoming well-rounded,
self-confident and productive citizens.
This Code of Conduct applies to all AAWA volunteers including youth in positions of responsibility. When
you accept an appointment, you agree to carry out your duties and act according to the requirements of
this Code. This Code of Conduct also applies to parents and guardians who wish to participate in their
child’s wrestling activities.
Please see AAWA screening policy
• Treat everyone fairly within the context of the sport, regardless of gender, place of origin, race, colour,
sexual orientation, religion, athletic potential, political belief, economic status, marital status, age or any
other conditions.
• Direct comments or criticism at the performance rather than the athlete. Provide feedback to athletes and
other participants in a caring manner that is sensitive to their needs.
• Consistently display high personal standards and project a favourable image of the sport of wrestling and of
coaching. Refrain from public criticism of fellow coaches or officials; especially when speaking to the
media or recruiting athletes. Abstain from the use of tobacco products while in the presence of his/her
athletes and discourage their use by athletes. Abstain from drinking alcoholic beverages when working with
his/her athletes and discourage their use by athletes.
• Refrain from the use of profane, insulting, harassing or otherwise offensive language in the conduct of
his/her duties.
• Ensure that the activity being undertaken is suitable for the age, experience, ability and fitness level of the
athletes and educate athletes as to their responsibilities in contributing to a safe environment.

• Give high performance athletes the opportunity to discuss, contribute and to agree with proposed training
and performance standards. Provide athletes with information necessary to be involved in the decisions that
affect them.
• Be responsible for achieving a high level of professional competence through appropriate training. Keep
themselves up to date with relevant information on coaching skills and techniques. Communicate and
cooperate with registered medical practitioners in the diagnoses, treatment and management of their
athletes' medical and psychological concerns. Consider the athletes' future health and well-being as
foremost when making decisions regarding an injured athletes' ability to continue wrestling or training.
• Recognize and accept when to refer athletes to other coaches or sport specialists. Allow athletes' goals to
take precedence over their own.
• Treat other coaches, athletic opponents and officials with due respect, both in victory and defeat, and
encourage athletes to act accordingly. Actively encourage athletes to uphold the rules of wrestling.
• In the case of minors, communicate and cooperate with the athlete's parents or legal guardians, involving
them in management decisions pertaining to their child's development.
• Be aware of significant pressures in athletes' lives, e.g., family and financial, and coach in a manner that
fosters positive life experiences. In an educational institution, be aware of the academic pressures on
student-athletes and conduct practices in a manner so as to allow academic success.
• Honour all promises and commitments, both verbal and written.
• Do not exploit any relationship established as a coach to further personal, political or business interests at
the expense of the best interests of their athletes or other participants in wrestling. (i.e. Conflict of Interest)

Coaches must;
• Ensure the safety of the athletes with whom they work
• At no time are they to become intimately and/or sexually involved with their athletes. This includes
requests for sexual favours or threat of reprisal for the rejection of such requests.
• Follow the AAWA Harassment Policy
• Never use technology or social media to disrespect or exploit others.
• Respect athlete's dignity; verbal or physical behaviors that constitute harassment or abuse are unacceptable.
• Not cajole, influence or recruit athletes from other clubs.
• In the case of an athlete that is the age of majority, contact the coach on record if you are presenting an
extraordinary training opportunity outside of the athletes’ home club. In the case of an athlete that is a
minor, both the coach on record & parents/legal guardian must be contacted.
• Never advocate or condone the use of illegal drugs or other banned performance enhancing substances.
• Never contribute to the use of alcohol or tobacco products by minor age athletes.

• Behave in a professional manner at all competitions.

• Coach is responsible to pay any fines or penalties arising from any infraction or misconduct levied by any
other wrestling governing body
If a coach is in violation of the terms of this Coaching Code of Ethics, the coach may be subject to disciplinary
action which may include: a reprimand; fine; withdrawal of funding; suspension from the Provincial Team;
dismissal from the Provincial Program; or a combination of such actions; possible infractions and sanctions are not
limited to those outlined above
Where an incident occurs that affects other governing organizations attached to the AAWA in a working
relationship, the AAWA reserves the rights to inform those organizations of any results that would lead to
sanctioning of a coach. These organizations are, but not limited to, the Alberta Sport Connection, Wrestling Canada
Lutte and United World Wrestling.
I have read and understand the above statements and agree to conduct myself in a manner that demonstrates the
standards established in the Coaching Code of Ethics.

Known active criminal investigations regarding any of the above will result in immediate
suspension of membership until the matter can be resolved.


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